Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Media Time Machine

Like all my good ideas, I'm sure this one has already been done. Does anyone know if there is a way I can enter any date, say 10/17/2007, and go back in time to that date? I would only see news and information from that date, nothing after.

For example, if I wanted to get a feel for the mood on 10/17/2007, I could see the New York Times home page exactly as it would appear on that day, or even at a specific hour or minute. I could go to CNN and watch the breaking news as if it were really 9:30 am on that day. If I Googled some recent phenomenon, it would return no results. Is there a way to freeze the Internet in time like that?

If so, does any one else think it would be interesting to time travel online? I would love to see what proclamations people were making this time last year about Hillary, the economy, and such.

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