Friday, April 25, 2008

Why I Feel Threatened by China

The towering red tsunami of Chinese nationalism that has recently swept across the world has been a matter of the gravest concern for me, occupying much of my time and energy as I consume every piece of news and analysis on the matter. It is not an unfamiliar phenomenon to me, as I lived through a clone of this flurry of hysteria and irrationality during the anti-Japanese protests in Beijing in April, 2005 (it must be the Spring that excites the mobs). I decided to turn the question inward for a change, and ask myself, "Why does the surging Chinese nationalism bother me so tremendously on such a deeply personal level?" That is when I realized that modern-day authoritarian China threatens my core values and identity. The possibility of authoritarian China extending its influence across the globe could destroy everything I cherish and strive for.

  • China stands for censoring information, I stand for acquiring all kinds of knowledge.
  • China stands for tightly controlling the behavior of its citizens, I stand for unlimited possibilities of living.
  • China stands for muzzling voices of dissent, I stand for freely speaking my opinions.
  • China stands for uniformity of opinion, I stand for new ways of thinking.
  • China stands for accepting dogma, I stand for the pursuit of truth.
  • China stands for submission ("obey and tremble"), I stand for independent thought and action.
  • China stands for raw power over truth, I stand for the power of raw truth.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

She Loves Me

Great effort was made to accurately recreate the historical era of the original work, including warbly Mary Poppins-style singing. While a great accomplishment in itself, this effort seems less laudable than finding ways to make it fresh, relevant, and creative. The one exception to mere historical reenactment was Katie Pickett, who brought a hearty serving of personality and sexiness to the show. (Isn't that exactly what makes Broadway so fun anyway?) Her Technicolor performance stood out all the more against the gray backdrop. Perhaps the director would have done better by making her pizazz the rule rather than the exception.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Devil Wears Prada Speak

Based on quantitative research and longitudinal studies, I've determined that any situation in the whole realm of human experience can be expressed in one of 10 quotes from the Devil Wears Prada. In fact, it is entirely possible to get through life only uttering these 10 lines. They are as follows:

  1. Confusion Where are the belts?
  2. Praise Thank God somebody came to work today.
  3. Compassion Has she died or something?
  4. Trust Find me that piece of paper I had in my hand yesterday morning.
  5. Frustration Why is no one REAdy?
  6. Surprise Que belle surprise!
  7. Rejection Florals? For spring? Ground breaking.
  8. Impatience By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.
  9. Disgust What's that? I don't want that?
  10. Conclusions That's all.
If there is an emotion which is not on the list, you probably don't need to express it.

It really works, try it!

CW: I'm taking you out to dinner tonight, dear.
JZ: Que belle surprise.
CW: I could go for some sushi, how about you?
JZ: Sushi? For dinner? Ground breaking.
CW: How about a bowl of pho instead?
JZ: Thank God somebody came to work today.
CW: Do you wanna hang out after dinner?
JZ: That's all.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why the Olympic Torch Protests are Vital

People who have the right to speak freely
have the duty to speak louder
for the sake of those
who have no right to speak at all.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Stop Loss

Educational, but not engrossing. A good review of all the gory horrors of war, but what was the director trying to say about it all?

By finally choosing to go back to what he knew, the main character showed how hard it is for someone to break out of the constrains of their identity. This is hardly an uplifting conclusion, and not the kind of exceptional story you would expect from an afternoon at the theater.