Sunday, May 18, 2008

Impoverished Free Time

Does any one else ever have a perfectly good chunk of free time which, for lack of money, you spend doing nothing but sitting at home watching TV?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Encyclopedia of Irrational Beliefs and Practices #1

Chinese people have a saying "eat something, nourish something." It means that if you want to nourish your dry skin, you eat dog skin. If you want to nourish your weak eyes, you eat fish eyes. If you want to improve your mental agility, you eat monkey brains.

The Encyclopedia of Irrational Beliefs and Practices is a collection across all cultures and religions of the nonsense that people actually believe in today. The purpose is to shine a light on the prevelance of mystic and superstitious thinking in humanity, and to promote critical scientific thinking. Please feel free to contribute your own entries below.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Like I Always Say...

If it's a good point it bears repeating.

If it's a good point it bears repeating.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Senator: China plans to spy on Olympic hotel guests

Funny, holding the Olympics in Beijing was supposed to improve China's human rights record. It seems, rather, to have given China the opportunity to infringe on even more people's rights. What's more, for the first time, China's brand of authoritarianism is encroaching onto foreign citizen's rights.